Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 16 - new lows

My third clothes rail collapsed today. This should probably indicate that I have more clothes than I need. But strangely I don't feel that way. Since I will actually have a wardrobe in a few weeks, I can't possible justify buying a new clothes rail. So my clothes are currently hanging on a telescopic painting pole that's suspended across my lounge window. Which faces the street. I'm officially white trash.

The house continues to be all kinds of freezing and everything everything everything has dust on it. Cooking, brushing your teeth and wearing anything black are more complicated than you could possibly imagine. I've also had to move all of my stuff from my bedroom to the lounge and in the process misplaced my watch. This. Is. Driving. Me. Crazy.

Other essential items I have 'safely packed away', absolutely can not find and now urgently need:

Clean towels
The vacuum cleaner
Tea towels
Spare bath mats
Laundry baskets

In other, non-renovations related news, I attended a conference today entitled "The Future of the Book". Initially fascinating, often confusing and towards the end downright boring stuff. One guy literally cleared the room with his meanderings. But some interesting stuff on digital technology and how 'books' (and by that I mean text and images not necessarily paper in bindings) will be formatted and consumed in the future. And in some cases the really really near future.

But if I'm honest I really just wanted to pop home and check on the renovations!

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