Tuesday, March 25, 2008

From Detox to Retox

I have been on detox. No refined sugar, no caffeine, no booze.

No booze?

Yes that's right. But I have had a number of scheduled 'breaks' on the booze front. I've had a few weekends away, some parties and the occassional other celebration where I thought it would be churlish to hot have a few shandies. Or a bottle of wine.

But all very well behaved and waking up without the taste of badgers arse in your mouth.

And then we hit Good Friday. See I was out for a few drinks on Thursday night and it all got away from me a bit. Suddenly they were flashing the lights and there was going to be no alcohol available for the next 24 hours.


And so I talked the people I was out with into coming back to mine where I had an unopened bottle of Tequila and an unopened bottle of Jaegermeister. Some of them required minimal persuasion.

The last thing I remember is the first shot of Tequila. And then it was waking up on the couch, covered in bruises and still absolutely hammered.

And then I found myself in a car on the way to Bluesfest in the Corromandel with eight people I had never met and two people I hadn't seen for six months. This was absolutely not my plan for the weekend and somewhat unexpected.

It was an excellent weekend though.

Drinking is great.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Why I listen to Mikey Havoc's breakfast show on bFM

I love Mikey Havoc. He's the shit. And Jose who reads the news is pretty damn good too. But today they were even better.

You see it was 8.30 and time for the news headlines. The bit that gets you all wamred up for the actual news at 9.00. Exciting.

This is exactly, verbatim how it went:

Jose: Today Dan Quail, American Vice President commented on the fifth anniversary of the invasion or Iraq, "We are still committed to blah blah blah, whatever"
Mikey (firstly in a sarcastic, sicophantic high pitched tone but towards the end getting genuininely irate): Oh thank you Mr Quail, you obviously have our best interests at heart, thank you, you reptillian, shapeshifter son of a bitch.

Fan. Fucking. TASTIC.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Post travel blues

So I've been home for a couple of months now and I've got back into 'things'. Work, pets, friends, doing housework etc.

Now this is obviously stating the obvious, but I REALLY REALLY miss travelling. In a tangible, physical yearning kind of way. It's not about being on holiday. It's not about not loving NZ. It's certainly not taht I can't wait to get away from friends and colleagues in this country, It's that I just want to be on the road again. Indefinitely. Is that so unreasonable?

I have had a number of thoughts about how this might be achieved (clearly I've been giving it a lot of thought). I could look for a job that will involve lots of travel. I could pack everything up and volunteer overseas. There's never going to be a better time to do it - single, relatively debt free, no kids. Well......

Except for Puck and Pinot.

And that's what's keeping me here. I would feel like I was abandoning my cats. I'm sure i could find a loving temporary home with someone who they know and trust (possibly Alex) but is that really good enough?

Poo. I really want to travel.