Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Why I listen to Mikey Havoc's breakfast show on bFM

I love Mikey Havoc. He's the shit. And Jose who reads the news is pretty damn good too. But today they were even better.

You see it was 8.30 and time for the news headlines. The bit that gets you all wamred up for the actual news at 9.00. Exciting.

This is exactly, verbatim how it went:

Jose: Today Dan Quail, American Vice President commented on the fifth anniversary of the invasion or Iraq, "We are still committed to blah blah blah, whatever"
Mikey (firstly in a sarcastic, sicophantic high pitched tone but towards the end getting genuininely irate): Oh thank you Mr Quail, you obviously have our best interests at heart, thank you, you reptillian, shapeshifter son of a bitch.

Fan. Fucking. TASTIC.

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