Friday, March 30, 2007


After a reasonable start to my blogging year, I have relapsed into blogging slackness.

There are a number of possible explanations for that

  1. The novelty of my new laptop has worn off
  2. I have been working stupid hours at work
  3. I am generally lacking in motivation

This in turn I am hoping will be explained by the slew of blood tests I subjected myself to today.

I am bad with needles to be fair. So it takes something pretty drastic to agree to them. But I feel bad bad bad. I really hope it's nothing as there are murmerings of glandular fever which means six weeks booze free.

Six weeks?

The last time I didn't drink for six weeks was before I started drinking.

I am potentially entirely devoid of personality. But luckily I will be able to make up for that by having hundreds of dollars more than usual each week because I'm booze free.

Maybe glandular fever wouldn't be so bad....

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