Wednesday, April 04, 2007


No glandular fever for me. No no no. Stoked so I am. Although still knackered unfortunetely but that should resolve itself when I start reintroducing sleep into my lifestyle and not working 14 hour days.

Can't wait.

I am feeling a bit uninspired blog wise. And it's not that nothing is happening. I think I've got writer's fatigue. It's what I usually do all day and in particular in the last couple of weeks.

So what's actually worth hauling myself online and writing about today?


Well I'm MCing friend's wedding this weekend and should really be writing multiple speeches.

So I'm not. I'm doing this instead. Always the frickin way.

No. I'm going to log off and write them

Once I've done the dishes and cleaned the bathroom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wondered why you leapt off the sofa with a start and jumped on the dishes. Then almost immediately I heard this swishing sound and you were in the bathroom - all done in a focused flash! Now I gettit, that old procrastination trick!
Claire (your flattie)..