Sunday, February 11, 2007

The best laid plans

Mm quiet weekend.

Mm reading papers.

Mm going to work.

Who the feck did I think I was fooling?

I have that hit by a train feeling again.

last night Julie texted to say lets go for drinks. "I'm not going out," I thought, "Oh no. I'm having a quiet weekend. I've got no money. I'm quite tired... I've got two new tops that I bought in Ireland and havn't worn in NZ yet. I'm going out ray ray ray."


There was dancing, there was drinking, there were stolen menthol cigarettes, there were multiple taxi trips and a boy.

There were no papers. There was no work. I have just now managed half a bowl of soup and I'm still not sure that was a good decision.

Quiet weekends apparantly are not for me.

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