Sunday, February 11, 2007

And another thing

I lived in my last house for two years. In that time I probably caught about 200 taxis to and from the place. Last night I was in the cab from my house to Kevin and Julie's house to pick them up and go into town. I pointed out the house I used to live in. The taxi driver (Monty) was familiar with the property three doors down. Apparantly all taxi drivers are. It belongs to gang members you see and they run a slew of illegal activities out of it. Taxi drivers know that if you are taking a fare to or from that house to get the money up front. Also if you do, for example, get attacked when you drop someone off there and she doesn't want to pay, it's best to go around the corner before you call the police.

Two years, 200 cabs. No one ever mentioned it.

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