Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 13 - booze versus renovations

Just got my first official invoice. Jee-aysus. I mean you realise that they don't work for free and there's a lot of wood in my back porch but BLIMEY.

It was a pretty chilly weekend and I had a small hangover on Saturday and a Large Hangover (capitals deliberate) on Sunday. My house is not currently a calming refuge of a place to hang out in with a hangover let me tell you.

On the plus side I didn't worry too much about how dirty everything was because any cleaning would be a short term fix anyway. What I did fret about was the horrendous amount of money I spent the night before on the horrendous amount of booze I consumed.

I couldn't afford bottles (note the plural!) of Veuve Cliquot before I was renovating. I certainly shouldn't be buying them now. Nor is this a particularly good time to pick up my smoking habit again. Nor should I be abandoning my car and taxiing places. Eating out, needing to dry clean frocks I passed out in... basically getting drunk while renovating is not smart. You end up sick and cold in your messy house with a vaguely uneasy feeling that you drank the money you need to pay for your dishwasher.

So does this mean no booze for the remainder of the renovation? I'll keep you posted.

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