So I'll join each and every other blgger on the planet and vow to blog more in the New Year. Hmm yeah. Whatever.
No really.
Anyway I'm getting a laptop this year. For sure. As soon as I get my MASSIVE xmas debt under control. So in October 2008 then. We'll see.
I'm currently in Dublin and the rain is pitter pattering on the roof over my head in a very Oirish kind of way. I've been away from NZ for almost a month and some features of that time have been:
- two (boozy) thirtieth birthday celebrations
- diving in Lanzarote
- xmas with my family for the first time since 1999
- my mammy cooking me dinner a lot
- a new year's party that flung me right back into the days of university parties where we sang for eight hours without stop, you had at least three fascinating conversations with people you've just met, people recited poetry and you caught unsuspecting revellers in random pashes on your way to the loo
Everyone keeps asking me am I looking forward to being back in NZ. The answer is yes I am. But if they asked me if I am looking forward to leaving Dublin, the answer is no.
I rang Auckland on christmas day and managed a few words with Kerry and Claire over a resounding Singstar rendition of A Thing Called Love which sounded as if it was being performed by about forty people after forty drinks each. I was dying to be there. I miss everyone in NZ and my cats and I am looking forward to going back to work and doing more diving this summer and running again because Dublin sucks for that kind of thing.
And Lanzarote was great and I've had a ball and I love being in Dublin. The city is beautiful the people are magnificent (except for shop assistants who are universally rude and need a freekin good slap in the gob) and I don't actually mind the weather all that much. My family are brilliant, the dog is the cutest canine in the world, my friends here are great too. And then there's the central heating...
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