Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I have just now managed to get broadband.


Once the modem arrived it didn't work.

It took two more phonecalls and the patience of a saint. I also had to lug the Tv out of the wall, replug all of my appliances with extra power boards etc and pretty much almost kill myself moving it from my phone line to my /sky line and back agin several hundred times.

The USB cable (or 'the blue one') is about half a metre too short to be of any use to anyone but there you go.

I'm exhausted

1 comment:

Shazzle said...

I had the exact same problem with a courier company a couple of weeks ago, where they swore that something had been delivered. Three times. It was only when I pointed out that it wasn't practicle to deliver the same thing three times - implying that they'd arrived, given me the thing, I'd handed it straight back and asked them to deliver it again at the same time the next day - that they accepted that they might have a problem with their records.

Couriers suck the world over.