Monday, June 26, 2006

Avoiding the inevitable

I've been slack about updating this but that's because I am avoiding something.

In that theme here is a story I heard last night.

You see I've mentioned a couple of times that NZ is cold at the moment and in fact in a cold country at a cold time of year I live in an especially cold house . Cold. Cold. Cold.

I have had this conversation with several people lately and last night a kiwi told me a story that I want to share with the world on the off chance that organisations like the UN, Amnesty International or The World Health Organisation will storm the country and enforce central heating.

You see this guy, who I will call Phil (because it's his name you see), was staying at a friend's house. And one morning he woke up. And he opened the fridge and he felt WARM AIR COME OUT.

Case closed.

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