Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Day 29 of renovations- detox on hold

Now I know what you're thinking- she ditched detox because she couldn't go on without booze. Well you're wrong wrong wrong. It turns out that what I can't go on without is a kitchen. I have no oven, my cutlery drawer and sink is behind a pile of gib board and there is no bench space accessible. This makes it tricky to prepare even steamed veg and fish. I don't even own a microwave. I'd imagine there will be a number of salads prepared on the coffee table in the coming weeks but the depths of winter is not really primo salad season, so let's be honest it's going to be takeaways most of the time.

So detox is out the window until the new kitchen goes in - in about three weeks. Eep.

However today when I left there was an electrician, a plumber, two painters, two plasterers and three builders in my house. I'd imagine the house will look quite different when I get home tonight.

Probably the other big lack is the cat flap. Currently their isn't one. Pinot is a reasonably quirky cat at the best of times which was why it took me a while to realise that her frantic dashing around the house this morning was not just her being a loony. She needed out. Urgently. Luckily I figured it out in time.

Insulation went into the roof last night- such a huge difference!

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