Friday, August 01, 2008

Company car

I have a company car. This is new to me. I'm not sure what to do about petrol and other nonsense relating to that.

What I am sure about is that when something happens to it or a staff member asks to borrow it you're guaranteed to feel like more of a dick and generally dodgy in terms of cleanliness, mileage and actually just driving it than if you were just driving your own car.

So it was with conflicted emotions that I decided to pop into the car wash on Monday on my way to work to get it cleaned. You see it was VERY dirty. With the recent storms and the fact that I rarely get to a car wash, it's just generally filthy. And I'd had an early morning meeting on my side of the city (which is the opposite side of the city to where I work) at 9.00. So my working day had started an hour later than it generally does and I felt lke a bit of a skiver to be stopping to get my car washed as opposed to going straight into the office.

But as mentioned the car was FILTHY so I stopped about 200 metres form the office in a BP station to get their very finest, 'premium wash' or 'exclusive wash' or 'thorough cleaning' or whatever the $11 wash is called.

I was sitting there, aerial retracted, windows shut, side mirrors folded into the body of the car; feeling like really I should be at work and hoping that no one from the office happened by. I generally skip lunch and work on average two to four hours a day more than my contract requires so I have NO reason to feel this way, but that's how I was feeling.

So it was with some horror that I witnessed the brushy, swisher part of the car wash sucking one of my wind screen wipers out of it's docking station where it was safely nestled and straight up into a 90 degree angel form the bonnet, snapping the wiper blade.

But it wasn't over yet. There was still the drier. In the pass from from to back it sensed the wiper and passed up over it. I could hear it returning and all I could do was mentally will it to sense it again and raise up over it for a second time.

It didn't.

In fact it steamed right through and snapped the wiper of at its (2cm thick) base.


So instead of surreptitiously washing my car, I had to declare my inappropriate car cleaning during work time to a slew of people in the office in order to lodge an insurance claim and get a new wiper shipped from Japan for my car (it's yet to arrive so the pain has only just begun).


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