Monday, September 11, 2006

Strange Game

VERY funny night on Friday night. Had dinner with Claire and Darryl, got relatively wasted and then got captivated as Darryl proceeded to muck about with this online chat room/virtual reality thing.

You have a character and you get free basic stuff but then you can buy local currency with REAL money and buy things like clothes, jewellery, a house etc. You can even buy new skin to make yourself more beautiful. Which is important it seems becuase we were barely in there five minutes when we got picked up! Imagine.

I will spare your blushes and not go into the sordid details of what happened next. Needless to say it was hilarious and either that chicky is a really sad case or she was also three people sitting around a table and laughing themselves sick.

I hate people texting in restaurants and all that kind of 'technology replacing human interaction' as much as the next person but I was sore the next day I'd laughed so hard.

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