Friday, May 19, 2006

Thank Crunchie

It's Friday It's Friday It's Friday.

I know that this probably says that it isn't on the time and date stamp for this blog because it's on American time or summit but it is Friday in NZ and it's about fricking time too. Oh the benefits of being ahead of the rest of the world!

This week has been super speedy and super long at the same time and I had a big weekend last weekend so it started off with a very tired Lorraine and I am GLAD GLAD GLAD that it's over.

I do have eight hours of work to get through before I can really relax but realistically- Friday is the day when you start to chill out. People are more relaxed at work, there are fewer meetings and you get all the niggly crap done so you can start Monday with a Whizz Bang.

Or something similar. Perhaps not weeping is a more achievable first step.

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