Tuesday, March 25, 2008

From Detox to Retox

I have been on detox. No refined sugar, no caffeine, no booze.

No booze?

Yes that's right. But I have had a number of scheduled 'breaks' on the booze front. I've had a few weekends away, some parties and the occassional other celebration where I thought it would be churlish to hot have a few shandies. Or a bottle of wine.

But all very well behaved and waking up without the taste of badgers arse in your mouth.

And then we hit Good Friday. See I was out for a few drinks on Thursday night and it all got away from me a bit. Suddenly they were flashing the lights and there was going to be no alcohol available for the next 24 hours.


And so I talked the people I was out with into coming back to mine where I had an unopened bottle of Tequila and an unopened bottle of Jaegermeister. Some of them required minimal persuasion.

The last thing I remember is the first shot of Tequila. And then it was waking up on the couch, covered in bruises and still absolutely hammered.

And then I found myself in a car on the way to Bluesfest in the Corromandel with eight people I had never met and two people I hadn't seen for six months. This was absolutely not my plan for the weekend and somewhat unexpected.

It was an excellent weekend though.

Drinking is great.

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