Friday, December 28, 2007

I love Mexico... anyone surprised?

I'm having a ball ball ball. So much so that it's taken this long for me to haul my self out of Lazy Assland and start to update my blog.... so the story so far. Possibly in a couple of installments.

The guidebook had thoroughly freaked me out about crime and danger in Mexico City. Although I have to say that if I'd read it and was planning to travel with someone else, I probably wouldn't have worried so much. This was added to by getting in my cab to my hostal and being told that the steet it was on was closed for the xmas festival. What followed was a conversation between my cabbie and a concerned sort of concierge, which my limited spanish loosely interpreted as, "Get her as close as you can and then call a policaman over to take her the rest of the way" Either way, it was no more dangerous than, or at least I felt just as comfortable as I have in, any other major city in the world. I made my own way to the hostal.

I spent my birthday in Mexico City. Pretty much the only thing I miss (apart from the people) about living in NZ is old stuff. So I spent the whole day in museums, catherdrals and art galleries. It. Was. Lovely. And then I stumbled across the Sheraton. You see a colleague had told me that they do great Margaritas. Two Margaritas later the jet lag hit me like a ton of bricks and the day was over.

But it was a brilliant brilliant brilliant day. Although when I come back I will make sure that I speak Spanish. I created much amusement trying to buy cream of the sun and telling a cab driver that I am from Ireland but I bedroom in New Zealand.

Also I am angry at living up to the stereotype and getting a cold, so no diving so far... but it's coming.

Have to hand over the laptop (I'm on Donal's). Will update again later.

Hope everyone had a lovely xmas and is gearing up for the New Years of a live time.

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