Friday, March 30, 2007


After a reasonable start to my blogging year, I have relapsed into blogging slackness.

There are a number of possible explanations for that

  1. The novelty of my new laptop has worn off
  2. I have been working stupid hours at work
  3. I am generally lacking in motivation

This in turn I am hoping will be explained by the slew of blood tests I subjected myself to today.

I am bad with needles to be fair. So it takes something pretty drastic to agree to them. But I feel bad bad bad. I really hope it's nothing as there are murmerings of glandular fever which means six weeks booze free.

Six weeks?

The last time I didn't drink for six weeks was before I started drinking.

I am potentially entirely devoid of personality. But luckily I will be able to make up for that by having hundreds of dollars more than usual each week because I'm booze free.

Maybe glandular fever wouldn't be so bad....

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Follow up

I never cleared up the mystery of the you tube video. About four hours after it went around the office we got an invite from our direct marketing agency to play football and prove that 'beating yellow pages isn't child's play'.

Hilarious. We play them this Wed. I reckon we'll kick their asses.

I've been crazy busy at work lately and that's why I've been slack on the blog front. Literally getting home and going to bed.

Claire is in Guatemala for work at the moment so it is very quiet in the flat. Apart from a couple of drinks with my friend Ange and brunch yesterday with another friend, Fionnagh, I have done nothing nothing nothing. Sigh. Lovely.

Next weekend I have three birthday parties on the same night so it will be a different kind of weekend I reckon.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Monday mornings

I had a HUGE weekend. Hen night on St Patrick's Day. Drinking until 4.00am.

One of the people who I was out with reminded me today of my attempt to steal a plastic roadworks barrier while leaning out of the window of a moving taxi. Apparantly the taxi driver thought I was brilliant.

Oh and then there's the guy in the Irish bar who offered me a job but I told him that I couldn't consider any offer lower than $180,000 a year and I had to take my team of three staff with me. I had two of my potential team with me. These people are in fact my real life boss and another colleague. He was still pondering whether to accept my terms when we disappeared.

And then there's the brilliant conversation that I had with the bouncer when I went out for a cigarette and really stood up for my rights as a patron of his bar to expect some level of service and security.

Bouncer: You can't take that drink outside with you
Lorraine: Ok I'll leave it here. Will you watch it to make sure no one puts anything dodgy in it?
Bouncer: No
Lorraine: Right. Well I'm going for a cigarette anyway. I'll take my chances.

Anyway, very sick yesterday and still a bit shaky today. So I went to feed the cats and Pinot had been sick. Nothing too unusual here, she gets sick quite a lot. It doesn't seem to worry her much and she's not a super skinny cat so I don't get stressed about it unless it happens three days on the trot. Anyway, this morning she had vomited... into Puck's food bowl.

I don't know why that's freaking me out but it is.

Then I went to work. I was almost there, in the middle of a three point turn to pull into a parking space to be precise... and I ran out of petrol. I have never done this before. And I can tell you that it will never happen again. I had to run up to the nearest garage and get a can and then take it back to my car, empty the petrol in, move my car to a parking space and then run back up to the garage with the can again.

The man behind the counter was very sympathetic when he heard. The conversation went like this.

Lorraine: Um I've just run out of petrol
Man in garage: Hahahahahahaha. And on a Monday morning too! Hahahaha.

Then I eventually got to work and didn't have my pass so had to stand outside for ten minutes waiting for someone else to come along and let me in.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I play seven a-side soccer for work. We've just won our local division and play in the semifinals for the Auckland one tonight. I would probably be the weakest player on the team and spend most of my time up the back as 'defence'. That's incidental. What I should note is that the average age of the players we play is probably early thirties.

Anyway, today this got circulated amongst the team. We have NO IDEA who did this:

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Drugs and Alcohol

At the end of last year I ran a half marathon - all 22 kilometres. I loved it. Since then I've been running about twenty times and only twice in the last two weeks. Last night I smoked about twelve cigarettes and drank a couple of bottles of wine. And today after only about 2.5 kilometres I had to stop running. This is not good.

So I'm giving up cigarettes, I'm laying off the booze, I'm going to run five days a week and I am going to do a half marathon in under two hours by the end of this year.

Right I've said it now. It's going to happen. Sure it is.