Thursday, June 08, 2006


I am hungover. This is because I was roaringly drunk last night. That was not a good idea.

It was goodbye drinks for bloke at work. He got to work on time this morning. I didn't.

My friend Belinda said she knew we were in trouble when I said to her, "Should I just get a bottle this round?" Ironically I knew we were in trouble when she replied, "Yes. I'll get the next one."

I smoked cigarettes
I explained to senior management exactly what the issues were at work
I told one guy I barely know what a top bloke he is (for about half an hour)
I told about twenty people that I really dislike a particular guy in the office
I explained why I'm a rampant lefty to our general manager
I lost my make up bag
We made the cab go to drive thru McDonalds (I have never done this before in my life and have been vehemantly opposed to McDonalds since reading Fast Food Nation about four years ago).
I remember nothing about the final bar we went to other than my drink had a lychee in it and I have a feeling that I said something really subtle like, "it's lovely you can be so incredibly camp" to the owner.

Today we had our office Diversity Lunch. This is run by the Community Committee which I head up. I was supposed to make soda bread and potato scones. I went to the supermarket this morning and got normal bread instead. I had to 'say a few words' I kind off burbled a bit and then wandered off behind the telly. It was not good.

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