Thursday, May 18, 2006


A few months ago I started to get migraines. The ones that blur your vision and make you want to slap the face of the person speaking to you because they don't have a migraine and so are perfectly comfortable SHRIEKING at you about some shite that you couldn't give care less about anyway because you have a migraine. Life consuming. So I saw a doctor and she asked me to look to my left and look to my right and then pointed out that the range of movement in my neck was similar to the range of movement in a glacier. She referred me to a chiropractor.

He sent me for xrays and established that my spine is munted. I was hit by a car when I was only wee you see. It chucked me high in the air and I landed on my bum and it literally knocked my shoes off. I went to hospital at the time and the doctors gathered around and called me a miracle and shook their heads. My parents just shook.

But here I am, 20 years later and finally the miracle has worn off and as it turns out, ignoring the occssional twinge that feels like someone has snook up behind me and stuck something long but blunt between the vertebrae of my neck has been a mistake.

So I needed to see Dr Iain three times a week for four weeks. This was expensive and meant that my trip to the chiropractor became pretty much my only form of socialising for a while. I also had to suspend my gym membership because there was to be none of that - oh no.

The migraines have stopped, I have the neck range of a 40 year old as opposed to a 75 year old and I only see Dr Iain once a week. So I have been drinking like a fish, dancing like a shamen and doing gym classes that frankly I'm not designed for.

I feel like I've been beaten up and have concluded that I was healthier when I was having teeth jarring migraines.

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