Monday, March 29, 2010


I had the best weekend. Although I did have one of those hangovers that makes you want to kill yourself for not realising that shots of whiskey are never, ever a good idea.

Next weekend I will be at a lake engaging in watersports. I have yet to find a watersport I don't enjoy so this should be fun. Hopefully it will be warm fun and not windy, cold, rainy fun. Although that's the kind of fun that can also involve books. I like books too. It is, of course, my job to like books (and make other people like books) but that's not something I have to work hard at.

So, since a few peeps have asked me recently what books they should read, below are some of my picks form the last twelve months or so:

Cutting for Stone
The Solitude of Prime Numbers
The Selected Works of T S Spivet
The Night Book
The Blasphemer
Small Wars

You should read them next weekend.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

End of Summer

Summer is sort of sputtering to an end in NZ. The nights are chilly, the weather is unpredictable. I came to work today in trousers, a top and a denim jacket. By 9.00 I'd taken off the jacket because it was sweltering and I haven't put it back on since. But it's rained a fair bit.

Why am I talking about the weather? Why am I giving you information you can get more succinctly via the met service? Well I'm making the point that it's that funny interim point of the year where your hair style, clothes, shoes and transport plans for the day need to be constantly amended in line with what is currently happening at that very second. Distracting.

Also that as we approach one of the bestest weekends of the year (Easter - it's an extra long weekend at the very end of the summer when no one feels obliged to be doing family stuff so everyone can do pretty much exactly what they like), I'm constantly looking for weather reassurance that it's going to be a stunner.

Dear Weather Gods,

The pressure is on for Easter Weather Gods. Please make it bee you tea full. Or I'll spew. I'm planning to acquire a new sport and it's a weather dependant one. So co-operate please. In return I promise to whinge less about winter this year (helped significantly by having insulation and heating.... and floors, walls and doors for that matter!). I will also not complain if the Irish Summer does not deliver while I am home.

Warm (ha ha) regards


PS While I'm talking to you, can you please pass on my thanks to your buddies The Leave Gods for finally getting my annual leave approved today. I really appreciate it.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Reasons to live in Auckland

I'm feeling pretty blissed out on NZ, and specifically Aucks, today. Just had the most stunning drive to work and lots of friendly interactions along the way.

1. The lights of the city as you drive towards it from The Shore after dark
2. The sun on the water as you drive away from the city towards The Shore
3. The free stuff to do put on by the council; outdoor cinemas, concerts in parks, suburb festivals...
4. Volcanoes make for an interesting view from pretty much anywhere
5. The Waitakeres
6. The West coast beaches
7. People are just nice while they sell you coffee, cat food, petrol... whatever really. And all before 8.00 am!
8. Great bars, cafes, restaurants to catch up with mates in and talk for hours over two glasses of wine
9. Summer
10. This is really a kiwi one but... it's the weekend ahead of everywhere else in the world

Three cheers for Auckland folks, and if you don't live here COME AND VISIT.