Friday, September 29, 2006


Noticed in a previous blog that I mentioned my lost glasses.


Well I bought new ones and i claimed them on my content insurance. Then I claimed the excess on my medical insurance.

Then, this weekend, I found my glasses.


No more wine for me whicle logged on - I'm revealing insurance fraud already.

The best laid plans...

So since the last entry I have don two runs.

But also smoked two cigarettes and drank booze booze booze.

At the moment I am enjoying a glass of wine at my desk as I wind down to the weekend. I am about to log off, go to the supermarket and buy more wine so that I can enjoy wine with friends over dinner at my house.

I like booze. This is the problem.

I also like workplaces where management bring drinks to your desk on a Friday. There should be more of that I think.

Anyway back to the booze. Hope everyone has a stonking weekend.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Half Marathon

I'm supposed to be doing a half marathon. This is supposed to involve five days of training a week. This is supposed to involve me getting up at 5.30 every morning and squeezing it in before work three days a week and then getting up whenever I like on the weekend and going for a run whenever I like.

Guess which one I'm struggling with?

Yup it's the weekend. I hve not missed a single weekday session in the last five weeks. I have not done a single weekend session for the last two. I blame booze.

So (and I'm posting this on my blog so I will HAVE to do it), from Monday 9 October, no booze will pass my lips until after the Marathon two weeks later.

I'm publishing this before I change my mind

Monday, September 11, 2006

Strange Game

VERY funny night on Friday night. Had dinner with Claire and Darryl, got relatively wasted and then got captivated as Darryl proceeded to muck about with this online chat room/virtual reality thing.

You have a character and you get free basic stuff but then you can buy local currency with REAL money and buy things like clothes, jewellery, a house etc. You can even buy new skin to make yourself more beautiful. Which is important it seems becuase we were barely in there five minutes when we got picked up! Imagine.

I will spare your blushes and not go into the sordid details of what happened next. Needless to say it was hilarious and either that chicky is a really sad case or she was also three people sitting around a table and laughing themselves sick.

I hate people texting in restaurants and all that kind of 'technology replacing human interaction' as much as the next person but I was sore the next day I'd laughed so hard.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Crocodile Hunter

Now I'm sorry if this is a predictable post but COME ON PEOPLE.

DISCLAIMER: I am not stoked that Steve Irwan died. He is a husband and father of two and it is sad that anyone in that situation has died in a weird, tragic way. This should be kept in mind as you read the following.

Maybe it's becuase I live in the bottom part of the world which is relatively close to where Steve Irwan lived and perhaps people everywhere haven't completly lost their minds and sense of proportion over this but I must speak up.

Stupid line number one: "I can't believe that he's dead"
The man made a LIVING out of putting himself in dangerous situations with dangerous creatures under dangerous levels of stress. How is it a surpirse that he was killed by a dangerous creature?

Stupid line number two: "The man did so much for anmimal rights"
This is a guy who everyday was faced with the same decision.
a) Sedate dangerous creature with a dart from outside the enclosure. Wait for it to fall into a peacefule sleep. Lift it up and carry it to the other place it needs to be
b) Get into the enclousure with fully allert creature with sharp teeth and an anger management issue. Body slam it, pin it to the ground, get three other people to endanger themselves and the creature by sitting on it, stick my fingers in it's eyes, tie it with my bootlaces and skid it out of one enclosure (now with five pople sitting on it) and into another.

He chose b). Every day. For the viewing pleasure of many.

Stupid line number three: "It's like when Princess Diana died"
I'm not even going to address this apart from to say : No. It isn't.

I'm Back

I'm slack I know it. You've probably all lost interest but there you go. I'm back on line (although at work so can't go nuts).

Hope that everyone is well.